What are oil absorbent material and what types

Whether it is leaks and drip losses on machines in daily use or emergency response in the case of a spill, oil absorbents help you to avoid pollution, risks, and associated costs. Different oil absorbents are available in absorbent product companies for other uses and in various practical options. Regardless of type, oil absorbents are used to soak up liquid hydrocarbons like gasoline and oils. Hence, they are essential to sites like:

Production lines



public security and fire protection

the petrochemical industry

energy and power industry

maritime emergency rescue

port and aviation

medical industry

environmental protection bureau

food processing industry

And other places in which leakage liquids need to be removed. 

Different types of Oil absorbents

Oil absorbents are used in various industrial applications, ranging from cleaning up oil leakage to removing oil from ocean water. Hence, these absorbents come in many forms, such as oil-absorbent pads, socks, booms, and pillows. In industrial, pads, rolls, and barrel tops are so popular.


Oil Absorbent pads are provided pre-cut, they are ideal when you know how much space you intend to cover. In addition, you do not have to set the individual pieces of fabric. They are easier to use in emergencies. They are now available in light, medium, and heavy weights.


Absorbent roll is the best choice for areas such as high-traffic entranceways and walkways. They are perfect for large areas. Furthermore, you use the exact amount that you need.

Barrel tops

This type is also a pre-cut mat explicitly designed for absorbing oil spills from barrel pumps and taps. This dramatically reduces the amount of clean up material when dealing with barrel pumps and taps.


Oil-absorbent booms are perfect for the control and cleaning up oil spills on water. These booms are used to handle all types of oil spills, such as fuel oils, gasoline, diesel, motor oil, jet fuel, hydraulic oil, and kerosene. Oil Booms are up for the task if you are dealing with an oil spill in the lake, sea, ocean, river, wastewater, pond, or stream. They can also be used to contain and absorb large or small industrial hydrocarbon spills on lands. There are mainly four types of oil booms: foam-filled oil booms, solid flotation booms, harbor booms, and inflatable booms designed for specific locations, environmental and climate conditions, and project durations.


Absorbent pillows are versatile absorbents because of their unique flexible shape. They can be adapted to tight and awkward spaces to absorb leaks, drips, and spillages, preventing them from dispersing. These oil absorbents are great for absorbing pooled liquid. They are usually available in 3 types: chemical, general purpose, and oil.


Absorbent socks work mainly like oil-absorbent pads. They soak up spills fast as they are filled with super oil-absorbent material. This liquid hydrocarbon absorbent is used for general operations, maintenance, and repairs. Although they are used primarily on lands when you have oil to soak up, they can be on the water, absorbing all hydrocarbons such as gasoline, lubricating oils, diesel, and fuel oil. In addition, they are used for fast contaminants in case of a spill or around machinery.

Granular oil absorbent

Granular oil absorbents naturally absorb oil due to their porous and dry makeup. This absorbent mostly looks like coarse sand and is sold in large bags. Granular oil absorbents can be sprinkled on an oil spill to absorb all of that, allowing it to be swept up and then properly disposed of. This is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to clean up spilled oil. Said, you can just throw it on the oil and sweep it up! There are several types of granular oil absorbents, such as clay absorbent granules, polypropylene, recycled paper, corn cob, coconut husk, and spill king.

Absorbent pads, socks, booms, and more, there are so many choices of absorbents. They all absorb liquids, but each type works best if it is used in the right application.

It can be a bit intimidating to choose a single one for your application. So, we are going to help simplify the process. There are some questions that you should ask.

Which liquids are to be absorbed?

The appropriate absorbent for your application should be first selected for the material to be absorbed.

If it is for the absorption of liquids during maintenance or cleaning work or effectively controlling leaks, pads are the proper choice. They are needs-based and economical in daily operations and are also perfect for extended use. In the event of a leak, they are suitable for absorbing leaked liquids. They are pre-cut, making using them cost-effective.

For more important requirements, rolls are the thing for you. You can use the exact required quantity, only as much material as is necessary.

Oil-absorbent socks are handy when you are dealing with leaks. They have a high absorption capacity and are so flexible that leaks and spills can be contained efficiently and quickly.

Pillows and cushions are ideal for absorbing leaked liquids or dripping losses in hard-to-reach areas. They are also the best choice when filling operations are taking place.

The higher the durability, the longer and stronger the product can remain in use. Depending on the application, you should consider whether you need extreme durability or a simple fleece sufficient for your purposes.

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