Granular Oil Absorbents

Our granular absorbents are recycled or biodegradable Oil Absorbent Product. Our recycled or natural loose floor absorbents comply.

Greensora Absorbent

This granular oil absorbent is fire-resistant, biodegradable, and made from paper mill waste. This floor absorbent absorbs oils, lubricants, coolants, solvents, water, and most non-aggressive liquids. Green sora absorbs 30 lbs of liquid per 30 lbs. 30 lbs of oil is 4 gallons.

Super Sorbent Oil Absorbent

12 cartons of Super Sorbent come in a 28-ounce shaker. Cartonize your facility or include it in spill kits for quick response. Use for small spills and maintenance cleanup.

This universal absorbent cleans oils, coolants, solvents, and water. Each carton absorbs about half a gallon. Eco-friendly, non-toxic, non-flammable, inorganic, and non-reactive.

Oil-Absorbing Peat moss

Oil-only Peat Moss Absorbent is natural. Water-based fluids will not absorb this floor absorbent. It cleans oil spills on land and hard surfaces. Biodegradable peat moss burns. This product absorbs 16 gallons of oil in 2 cubic-foot bales.

Different types of granular absorbents

These oil absorbents work in a wide range of places such as restaurants, auto shops, grocery stores, transportation providers, emergency responders, towing companies, etc.

For choosing the suitable absorbent for your business, you need to get enough information. That is why we have gathered useful information about all the types of granular absorbent and their usages in one place.


Clay absorbent granules are ideally designed for use outdoors. This type of granular oil absorbent is made from a naturally occurring mineral, usually Attapulgite (Magnesium Aluminum Phyllosilicate), and is a dust-free heavy-weight absorbent granule. Clay is processed at high kiln temperatures allowing pore expansion and increased hardness. Due to high pore space and high surface area, clay absorbs liquid on the outer layer through external pores. They are a pretty fast absorbent for the clean-up of oil and fuel. However, the drawback is that they may become heavy, bulky, and messy after use which makes it difficult to dispose of them.

Polypropylene (PP)

Polypropylene is a thermoplastic polymer that is used to produce most oil-absorbent pads and absorbent booms that are used in various industries including oil spill cleanup. It is a particularly useful substance as it’s hydrophobic (it repels water) and oleophilic (it absorbs oils). They are commonly used in automotive workshops and industrial settings for cleaning oil, paint, and other liquid hydrocarbon substances.

Recycled Paper

they are cellulose-based absorbents. So they are so eco-friendly products. According to a study on the efficiency of various granular absorbents conducted by The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Cellulose is the most effective material for absorbing oil, fuel, and antifreeze. Furthermore, it should be noted that they are made from 100% recycled paper products.

Corn Cob

For centuries, this granular has been used to absorb oil spills. It is a natural organic sorbent and, as its name implies, made from leftover dry corn cobs. Corn cobs offer a unique and environmentally friendly way to absorb liquids. Whether you are dealing with small or large oil spills or other liquid hydrocarbons, you can rest assured that corn cob granules will do the job. It is worth mentioning that corn cob is able to hold 4 times its weight of fluid. It is so bio-degradable, recycling fast and easily.

Coconut Husk

This ultimate eco-friendly, renewable, and biodegradable absorbent is used to produce coconut coir. The coconut husk is the hairy/coarse part of the coconut that offers a natural, inexpensive, environmentally friendly, readily available, and excellent adsorbent. This absorbent cleans up greatly all types of hydrocarbon spills (like gasoline, oil, methylene blue, dye, antifreeze, etc.). Coconut husk can trap free-flowing liquids with minimum absorption because of its monolithic structure.

Spill King

It is an effective lightweight absorbent powder and a clean-up solution for small, medium, or large spills. Customers have found granular this type of absorbent so good in absorbing oil, fuel, and antifreeze.

What is the best granular absorbent?

A study on the efficiency of various granular absorbents conducted by The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) showed that cellulose is the most effective for absorbing liquid hydrocarbons. Meanwhile, sorbents made with PP came in a close second.

“Cellulose insulation is the material that absorbs the most oil and fuel. However, the downside is that cellulose also absorbed a high volume of water. Polypropylene also did well with absorption percentages for oil and fuel (above seventy percent of their volume), as the study conducted on the efficiency of various granular absorbents.

Safe granular absorbents disposal

After using oil-absorbent granules sweep and collect the soiled granular materials with a simple sweep. Then, place them in an appropriate waste bag or receptacle.


Granular oil absorbents are all-purpose absorbents, designed for the quick clean-up of all liquid hydrocarbons in both land and water.

As a quick review, the following benefits are the reasons why granular oil absorbents are so popular among users.


Easily and quickly soaks up messy spills.
Easy to use and transport.
Environmentally friendly.
100% natural.
Versatile for all non-aggressive fluid cleanup
Suitable for home and work environment
Suitable for Hydraulic and chemical spills

Tech Info
Acid spill cleanup should not use these granular absorbents. See our acid-neutralizer absorbents here.


Oil Absorbent Pillows

Oil Absorbent Roll

Oil Absorbent Sand

Oil Absorbent Socks

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